Anyone could play this trick on any subject if they were so inclined. I could frequent the threads discussing Obamacare, and someone might opine regarding 'supposed' death panels. I would then step in and declare that nowhere in the legislation was there such a thing as a death panel and then issue a challenge to the person to prove such an assertion. I would also pepper my comments with, 'that's silly', 'try again', 'law is hard', etc.
What you really need to know about Todd is that he doesn't know what he's talking about. That is, he doesn't understand basic financial concepts nor how banking actually operates. But that's not his intent; trolls revel in disruption, which is why I refer to him as a clueless disruptor.
As proof of his lack of understanding, here's his comment to me which he mistakenly posted before attempting to modify with subsequent posts. Reading this is all you need to know about our Todd:
08/11/2010 12:27:23 PM PDT · 215 of 219 Toddsterpatriot to semantic
S: Rather, they book both the deposit & asset out of thin air when the loan is made,
TP: That works for about 10 seconds, until the borrower cashes the check to buy the home, car etc......
You never did explain where the money comes from when the borrower takes the cash or check from the lending bank. Try again?
Thanks, I'd sort of figured that out.