And you know that just as last month’s 83K was lowered to 31K this month, next month they’ll say that the 71K they thought was added in July was really 25K or around that. Of course, that will be in the small print.
It’s amazing he gets away with this. When Bush was President the unemployment rate was 4.5% and the media and the dems were attacking him daily about the worst economy since Hoover.
Every single metric(unemployment, deficit, debt, gdp growth, etc...)is all much worse under Obama than it was under Bush.
I wouldn’t be shocked if someone is playing with that 9.5% unemployment figure, either. It seems almost impossible that the economy could lose 350,000 jobs the past two months and the unemployment rate would remain the same. In any event when you round 9.5 you go up to 10 and unemployment has been at 10 for a year now.
The current administration has evidently decided that 9.5% unemployment is the highest rate that it thinks the public will tolerate. Therefore, the rate will never rise above 9.5%. It used to be 10% was thought to be politically untenable.