You kinda like how Apple got the entire iPod idea (the precursor to the iPhone), from a guy named Tony Fadell, who was the real father of the iPod, by employing Tony Fadell?
And how said Tony Fadell then partnered with a company called PortalPlayer who had been working on their own MP3 player to design the software for the new Apple player?
If you are claimg that Google employed people with OS exoreince from other firms so therefore Anroid was not really developed by Google, what do you call Apple employing others to develop the OS for their iPod then?
Microsoft didn't have experience in diagramming software. Bought Visio, ta-da, instant diagramming software expertise, arguably the best on the market.
Adobe didn't have experience or a product in page layout. Bought Aldus, ta-da, instant page layout expertise. Adobe used that expertise to "Adobeize" PageMaker and add some features, then turned it towards making the ultimate page layout program, InDesign (turns out PageMaker was fundamentally broken and couldn't be easily made to fully compete with Quark).
Google had little experience in mobile advertising. Bought AdMob, ta-da, instant mobile advertising expertise. Same for Apple buying Quattro.
The list goes on and on. Companies have some main choices when they want to get into a new business.