I stand corrected: I had not refreshed my page on RCP, obama now stands at -4.6% overall, a massive new low, more than a percentage point greater than yesterday, mostly because of Ras’s new figures being so devastating today.
The democrats should be in full meltdown mode by monday. People will run, not walk, away from this toxic president.
From drangundsturm: “I stand corrected: I had not refreshed my page on RCP, obama now stands at -4.6% overall, a massive new low, more than a percentage point greater than yesterday, mostly because of Rass new figures being so devastating today.”
How right you are and how sweet it is!
The Real Clear Politics webpage can be considered the poll of all polls because it averages together all of the most recent presidential job approval polling surveys, including those conducted by the Obama-loving sycophantic “news-media” outlets!
One number on the RCP poll that’s especially encouraging is Obama now teeters just under the 50% disapproval number at 49.8%. That’s horrible news for the Kenyan Marxist!