We live in a neighborhood with a HOA & some really nosy characters.
No satellite dishes, no chain link fences, no commercial vehicles parked overnight, your trash cans BETTER be moved & hidden away promptly after pickup, etc.
And one of my new neighbors paid me a “welcome” visit to ensure I knew the “rules”.
I asked her if they allowed black people to live there,too, or if they were just allowed during daylight hours.
That shut her up quick - & she hasn’t spoken to me since. LOL
And some of those people also have too much time on their hands.
In my case they can not enforce a no visible solar cells policy, State of California took care of that with the CA Solar Rights Act. Without an HOA, the bubba can only take me to court. CA Solar rights act provides for fees and a bounty to the loser. I really want him to sue me.