What about his oath to well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office he was filling? Where does refusing to obey his commanding officer and deliberately missing movement fit in with that?
Or he has made a judgement that Obama will go rogue and attempt a coup after he replaces Gates as SecDef.
Then Lakin's judgement may leave a lot to be desired.
In general I would guess that Lakin feels the US is in great danger, hence the high stakes act of resistance even if it meens his own immolation.
I couldn't even begin to guess what Lakin's true motivation is.
The DOJ abandoning section 8 voter fraud cases could be considered the leading edge of a soft, creeping, Chavez-type coup.
I suspect something terrible is coming, but I have no proof of it. While Gates is at SecDef it is unthinkable that Obama could attempt a hard power coup, but if he is replaced by Mark Marshall Davis or similar, then anything may emerge from Pandora’s box.
Its that Weather Underground link that feeds the nightmares more than anything else.