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To: Jake from AZ
Gee, you let the government decide what you can do?

Look, people hire illegals because they make more profit from it. All we have to do is make darned sure they don't make ANY money and it's no longer good for them.

I'm talking everyone. If a farmer uses illegals to pick their apples, identify them and let those apples rot in the store until the store stops buying them. If a corporation uses a window washing company that employes illegals, picket them. Carry signs that say "This company steals your tax money by hiring illegals" watch and see how many people will turn around and go elsewhere.

201 posted on 07/28/2010 11:27:52 AM PDT by McGavin999 (I'm sorry, your race card is overdrawn and no further charges can be accepted)
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To: McGavin999

Oh, I would LOVE to do that. Most of the companies that hire illegals have to be almost pathetically devious about it — picking up the guys waiting at the Home Depot using unmarked vehicles owned by employees’ relatives, etc. etc. etc. — because of the huge backlash that will result if anyone finds out they’re doing this.

There needs to be more investigation, because there need to be more places that get picketed with “ILLEGALS EMPLOYED HERE” signs.

209 posted on 07/28/2010 11:34:52 AM PDT by Jake from AZ (HELP HELP I'M SURROUNDED BY CALIFORNIANS)
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To: McGavin999

Look, people hire illegals because they make more profit from it. All we have to do is make darned sure they don’t make ANY money and it’s no longer good for them.

I’m talking everyone. If a farmer uses illegals to pick their apples, identify them and let those apples rot in the store until the store stops buying them. If a corporation uses a window washing company that employes illegals, picket them. Carry signs that say “This company steals your tax money by hiring illegals” watch and see how many people will turn around and go elsewhere.

This is a good idea...

However, one of the problems with this is that you will be sued by the Free Trade groups and other Economic Anti-American groups who promote Open Borders/Illegal Alien Amnesty....with their friends from the Hispano-Racist groups.

Groups that promote Free Trade/Liberal Globalism like the US Chamber of Commerce....are also pro-Illegal Alien....and will sue if this form of economic boycott is used.

I would love to be wrong on this...because this solution would work....but knowing the Free Trade/Liberal Globalist groups who align themselves with the Hispano-Racists on the Illegal Alien Amnesty issue

219 posted on 07/28/2010 11:44:23 AM PDT by UCFRoadWarrior (JD for Senate ..... You either voting for JD, or voting for the Liberal...)
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