Re: “.....................This guy is just another Jesse Jackass and Rangel...LAZY SOBS!! Where is the OUTRAGE...WHERE??!!”
It’s here; you are reading it on this Board and many others. Here in a very liberal suburb of Los Angeles, just yesterday mind you, I saw a bumper sticker: “You Can’t Blame Bush Anymore!” Wow — finally! ]
On my own vacation to local mountains I saw one that said “Obummer” with zero’s stupid symbol on it. The owner of that car, from SANTA BARBARA of all lib bastions, said mine was the third favorable comment she’d heard that day. And she said that NO ONE in her home area ever flips her off, or yells anything — nothing. HOORAY!!!
I noticed the Left’s nutroots have changed their strategy. Now it is “Do you really think McCain would have been any better than Obama?”
That’s a hard one. LOL