Seems you think we seem to already have an unofficial official religion. I respectfully disagree. Previously your criteria seemed to be majority; now precidence is to be given via foundational ideologies and the respective religious influences?
Can you show me where amid the limited and enumerated functions our founders envisioned for the government is the recognition and observance of religious festivals and holidays?
I submit to you that it is not amid the stated functions of a truly limited government with enumerated powers.
I suggest that there is no compelling reason or a ligitimate government function to recognition of the majority religion.
What function does it serve those already amid the religious majority to have the State echo their religious sentiments? Is their faith so weak that it must be propped up by the secular powers that be? What function does it serve religious minorities to have the secular powers that be echo the majority religious sentiment? Do they need government reminding them that they are not among the faithful?
We are not a people lacking in religious sentiment or observances; and on the whole, those out of City Hall are much more likely to be the sort of ‘praying loud in public’ that should be condemned than those whose origins is not from secular, public and political sources.