“Hoosiers use the Indiana tollroad hardly at all. It chief benefit to this state was that it generated $3.8 Billion in lease revenue, allowing the State of Indiana to maintain fiscal stability and infrastructure at a time when our neighboring states have become economic basket cases.”
...and people will pay the cost for this financial-high for the next 80 years.
Whatever - if it wasn’t part of the Interstate system, I could care less what you did with it. It was a STUPID MISTAKE 50 years ago to grandfather toll roads into the system, simply because GREEDY governors might use them as revenue engines, thereby making a mess of interstate commerce. The more this happens, the less competitive this country becomes, as shipping stuff interstate becomes a having to deal with a bunch of tariffs.
Allowing the marketplace to determine the value of interstate highway travel is no more inefficient than allowing it to determine the value of rail or pipeline transportation.