I was curious when it was described to me as being one of a kind, and they had designed it to their specifications. It seems that what it unique is their front bumper was extended to make a toolbox to keep their hydraulics and other stuff.
The guy just looked at me kind of funny when I asked what they expect to happen if the truckers off the road, down the side of one of our steep hills, and plows into a tree headlong?Hmmmmmmmmmmm!
My road is graveled. It is wretched when it snows or ices up, but that gravel gives a certain amount of grip on the steep hill where I live. Except during the 3 foot snow in February, my Windstar van was just as useful as my four-wheel-drive explorer. when it's that deep, you sit in the house by a fire, and watch the idiots drive by with their lifted redneck limousines.
Unfortunately, I live below, and not far off, my narrow road. Last winter a good sized, 10" deep pothole developed on the far side of the road. Since then I have been regularly filling it with gravel, cinders left over from salting and clay dust. Once it gets about 5" deep again, I repeat the process.