We may be better off without him then. Just as we are better off without Specter. If he was going to be the 60th vote for every Obama takeover then we didn’t need him. He should come out with a better position, such as “I was elected by Massachusetts not to rubber stamp every far left bill by this President, but to help prevent extreme legislation like Obamacare and this massive power grab. I will work with the Republican side to help build coalitions to help compromise between the parties. If the legislation is so onesided that we cannot find at least 5 Republicans to support it in this body, then the legislation is not a good one.”
Instead,, we are getting a traitor leftist, as the author pointed out...the new McCain. Massachusetts was not voting for an Obama rubber stamp. That is for certain.
But Brown got several changes in the bill such as eliminating new taxes. The Dems even say that they wanted more but had to compromise. People who want the whole loaf or nothing are the problem here at least while we’re in such a deep minority.