Brown is a RINO idiot. So is Arnold. So is Whitman. So is FioRINO!!
Never vote RINO!!
They’ll screw you in the end every time!!
Wake up and smell the TEA!!
Rebellion is brewing!!
There's no evidence any of the people named were ever actual Democrats ~ so let's call them opportunists.
What you use a RINO for is to win in a district (or state) where you may need one more seat to take control of a legislative house. That way you control the legislative agenda AND appropriations. Without that control the Democrats control the agenda and appropriations.
Opportunists are always looking for the easy way, so we have to provide that to them ~
At the moment Mr. Brown is getting an easy ride, so he's going along with the folks in the Masschusetts delegation to Congress, his friends and neighbors, and the Senate leadership.
What we need to do is LIGHT A FIRE UNDER him so fierce it kills off the hair follicles permanently.
I haven't seen anyone do that yet ~ all we have are folks catching him in after action situations where he's voted with the Democrats. He has to be nailed down BEFORE the votes.
That is the sort of job best handled by the Republican Senators who have access to him. Apparently they are not doing their jobs ~ so it's OUR JOB to send some new Senators to the Senate so they can provide some new guiding principles to Mr. Brown ~ and maybe visiting him in the cloakroom with two or three of the more fit and trim members.
Hmm. Maybe deal with Brown exactly like the Democrats are dealing with him ~