This monstrocity must be repealed. What will it take to make this happen?
Do you want to help make it happen? Then please join the Obamacare Class Action Lawsuit and pass the information posted below on to others and encourage them to likewise. To date, we have ~32,000 U.S. Citizens, from all states, on board. We need to get this number up to 50,000 and 100,000 would be better.
Obamacare Class Action Lawsuit
"The purpose of this lawsuit is to reverse Supreme Court precedent related to the Commerce clause and thereby overturn Obamacare. The Supreme Court has historically erred in its interpretation of the Constitutional role of the Federal Government. Recent Supreme Court rulings hint that they may be willing to take another look at Commerce clause precedent. Obamacare is so over reaching and so onerous, that it must either be repealed in Congress or struck down in the courts. We must fight this on both fronts. This is our historic opportunity to reverse Americas trend toward Socialism by overturning this unconstitutional precedent.
If you are a US citizen and agree with the goal of this lawsuit, please join us. If you have concerns about joining, please review the FAQs for more information. Every person we add strengthens the voice of "We the People".
Updates posted at the following links:
I’ll definitely look into this!