“You can’t have both, and then shoot him when he chooses to obey one. “
This has happened to me- one LEO yelling FREEZE and the other yelling GET DOWN. At the top of their lungs, bellows hard to understand.
Another time I was told to stick both my empty hands out the car window, to freeze, and to get out of the car.
These events are either mistakes, or tactics, I don’t know.
Oh, tactics definitely. They provide cover if the jumpy cop accidental pulls the trigger. "He refused to follow instructions."
“These events are either mistakes, or tactics, I dont know.”
Neither of the above. It’s disorganization because no one is in charge. When there are 3 plus cops involved, someone, the senior officer has to say I will be giving the commands, the rest of you keep your mouths shut.
A contributing factor to Erik Scotts’ killing, was that the senior officer failed to take command. All of them were giving different commands, when only the senior officer should have been giving commands to Erik.