To: snuffy smiff; RachelFaith
Sheriffs really need a bit of local looking-into. They are in the confiscation and resale business big time with RICO. It seems to me that while the Sheriff and his cousins, in-laws, and girlfriend (aka "Deputies") are taking care of inventory, no one is actually picking up thousands of bad boys with outstanding warrants for everything from Arson to Zoophilia.
Check outstanding warrants in your county. If Sheriff Joe of Maricopa county is reading this, permit me to say, "Present company excepted" .... I hope.
In the meantime, due to the public school journalism courses taken by the reporter, I cannot actually tell from this interesting report, who did what to whom, where, when, and why.
88 posted on
07/13/2010 6:18:19 AM PDT by
Kenny Bunk
(No more bitchinmoanin from the Right. Program, Plan, Leaders, Courage)
To: Kenny Bunk; snuffy smiff
Sheriffs really need a bit of local looking-into. They are in the confiscation and resale business big time with RICO. It seems to me that while the Sheriff and his cousins, in-laws, and girlfriend (aka "Deputies") are taking care of inventory, no one is actually picking up thousands of bad boys with outstanding warrants for everything from Arson to Zoophilia.
Yes. I agree. They DO need just as much oversight as city cops. My point is, however, that unlike administrative bureaucratic unionized city cops, the Sheriff is a constitutionally provisioned officer. Which is or in some cases was, why the city cops take you to county for arrest. The Sheriff is the only true person allowed by natural law, to hold someone against their will to be tried by a jury of their peers.
What has happened in the last 100 years, is the systematic inception, and corruption of local municipal government bureaucrats, exercising the law unto themselves with no accountability to the people. Such a system is, inherently corrupt. Any government system outside the constitutional checks and balances is de facto unlawful. It may have the municipal codification of statutory standing, but then so did statutes which made blacks sit in the back of the bus, or allowed Germans in the 40's to confiscate Jew's property.
Statutory Codification does not make a deed LAWFUL. Thus, city cops, all of them, without any exception or regard to their personal codes of ethics or behaviors are nothing short of unlawful thugs protected by a government syndicate at the expense of our civil liberties.
95 posted on
07/13/2010 10:07:45 AM PDT by
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