Thiessen is not Maureen Dowd, Olbermann or Matthews. He was a speechwriter for Rumsfeld and later Dubya. I saw him went after Christiane Amanpour on ‘torture’ issue. He explicitly told her that she helped speading the lies about the issue, that clearly rattled her. Besides, this is an Op-Ed, where the editors let some conservatives to write whatever they want.
Thiessen is op-ed, i.e., token. He doesn't represent the views of WaPo. He's just there for balance
. The parenthetical appendage to the thread title is not justified. But I sure hope he's a prophet!
"And for the rest of America, it is a sad reminder that change we can believe in has given way to politics as usual.
Is he including himself among those who believed in "change" or is this just poetic license?