Posted on 07/11/2010 3:59:49 PM PDT by TaraP
It's interesting to try to divine the chicken-and-egg of Mel Gibson's firing by WME last week: Was it his (first-alleged, now aurally proved) misogynistic and racist comments that enabled the agency to part ways with him, or was it the death of longtime agent Ed Limato that did the trick?
Earlier today the news surfaced that William Morris Endeavor had split with Gibson last week-- as Limato lay seriously ill, and just several days after Radar Online broke the news that Gibson had verbally abused his girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva by using the N-word. (The reports were just that until today, when audio of the Gibson incident was released on Radar.)
There's of course a third variable in all this -- the fact that Gibson just wasn't much of a bankable star anymore anyway.
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Oh Lord!! LOLOL!!!!
If that happens it is pretty clear that they finished another chapter in the "How to Troll Conservative Sites" hand book. They end up not being here long even if they read the whole manual because of their transparency.
Say it ain't so!
As you yourself have pointed out, I'm a n00b. As such, I had no way of knowing he had a history of being a Liberal. Given that, what was wrong with my statement?
BTW, did you notice that your liberal mentor tucked his wee tail and split? This is another thing liberals do.
Oh, please...I've been on forums and the Usenet for decades, and conservatives don't have a monopoly on sticking around for arguments. I've seen Marxists who would defend their opinions with post after post for more than 24 hours at a time, and conservatives who do the same. Likewise, there are those right of center who turn tail and run as well.
No...They are attacking him for having a private conversation....easdropping or being a peeping tom....
I hate to hear what Obozo says on his private line to his
I do not think he is a Anti-Semite or Racist...I do think he is an Alcoholic and possibly has a bipolar problem....
Wether it is Mel Gibson or Carrie Prejean Liberals love to pin words on people who they want to villify.
Shouldn't you still acknowledge a valid point? Otherwise, it undermines the validity of your argument.
Perhaps I was dissing Richard Adler and Jerry Ross...
You're AlGore?
and conservatives don't have a monopoly on sticking around for arguments.
That's NOT the point! He is a liberal on a conservative forum. Liberals get banned. He argues until it becomes obvious how liberal he is, then he LEAVES. The idea is to be a long-lived liberal troll.
Exactly that.
Oh, please...I've been on forums and the Usenet for decades, and conservatives don't have a monopoly on sticking around for arguments. I've seen Marxists who would defend their opinions with post after post for more than 24 hours at a time, and conservatives who do the same. Likewise, there are those right of center who turn tail and run as well.
Sure a bunch of words when a single one, "no" would have sufficed.
Look, I have other stuff to do. You go ahead and keep digging and I'll come back tomorrow to see if you are still a n00bie FReeper.
If you’re gonna diss any member of The Damned Yankees it ought to be Tommy Shaw. Just sayin...
Remember "MurraysMom" and "Dane?"
It's different for anyone on The Left as far as the Mainstream Media is concerned, of course.
Oh heck yes! There was a race baiter that signed up in 2005 that got zotted last week. They all eventually get it.
Now that's just mean. I thought there were rules about that sort of thing.
That's NOT the point! He is a liberal on a conservative forum. Liberals get banned. He argues until it becomes obvious how liberal he is, then he LEAVES. The idea is to be a long-lived liberal troll.
If he's been consistently arguing liberal points for years, why hasn't he been banned?
Not when I see it as an obvious ploy. If Obama says that it is a nice day I will disagree with his racist liberal ass just like this troll because it is a ploy not an honest assessment.
If you are truly Al Gore as has been guessed you would know that.
From this remark I have to wonder if you're a U.S. citizen.
It's a cultural thing for Southerners to sometimes address Northerners as "damned Yankees". It's not necessarily polite, often said in jest, but not crime.
One disturbing discovery on my visits to the U.K. and Ireland was an undercurrent of ignorance and media incited hatred towards white U.S. Southerners.
Are you from the Commonwealth perhaps?
Or just an incorrigible Yankee?
He knows when to leave. Which was Eakers point.
I agree. It makes me ill to see Freepers defend mel’s words and deeds. If you were to privately record me 24/7, you might hear me swear on the freeway or yell mildly at a child. But you would never hear a racist rant. So the freepers who say “well, it was a private conversation, who wouldn’t be caught like that” make me sad.
And I agree that liberals get passes continually, like Kanye and baldwin, And of course the predator Polanski, etc. But that doesn’t eXcuse a virulent racist just because he makes conservative movies.
So you're criticizing the fact that I defended myself with "a bunch of words" (2 whole!). Way to defend your point!
Look, I have other stuff to do. You go ahead and keep digging and I'll come back tomorrow to see if you are still a n00bie FReeper.
I'll admit that the thread is getting a bit, er, tiresome at this point. It's not like anyone is persuading anyone else of the error of their ways as they butt heads, not that that happens very often in these sorts of discussions anyway...
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