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To: danamco

You really believe that???

Your continues postings on this issue gives a clear impression that YOU like to keep him in office, whether he is qualify or not!!!

Yes, I really believe that. Are you saying that you don’t believe that Obama can be defeated in 2012 or impeached and removed from office before that date?

Its kind of a shame that you would think that someone like Ann Coulter who has called “birthers,” “cranks” would like to see Obama stay in office just because people like she and I don’t agree with you on this one particular issue.

Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself why nobody has bothered to simply seek a subpoena for Obama’s birth records when they can be subpoenaed under Hawaii law without Obama’s permission? Has that thought ever crossed what laughingly passes for your “mind”?

From the Governor of Hawaii:
“You know, during the campaign of 2008, I was actually in the mainland campaigning for Sen. McCain. This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country. And so I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact. And yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue. And I think it’s, again, a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this. ... It’s been established. He was born here.”—Governor Linda Lingle (R) May 5, 2010

I suppose folks like Danamco think that Governor Lingle will be voting for Obama in 2012 as well.

69 posted on 07/12/2010 1:33:22 PM PDT by jamese777
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To: jamese777; LucyT
Yes, I really believe that. Are you saying that you don’t believe that Obama can be defeated in 2012 or impeached and removed from office before that date?

Its kind of a shame that you would think that someone like Ann Coulter who has called “birthers,” “cranks” would like to see Obama stay in office just because people like she and I don’t agree with you on this one particular issue.

YES, I'm saying at 2012 it will be far tooooo late. Good luck with acting like an elitist Ostrich sticking your head in the sand. I'm afraid you will wake up to a very rude calling on November 5th, 2012. I lived five (5) years under German tyranny 1940-45 and it all started the same way as here in the U.S. since 2008 !

That day you might wake up with a dictator knocking on jamese's door like he made a shake-down with BP, GM/Chrysler, healthcare, CIR, Cape&Trade and soon taking away all your freedom our forefathers and our brave military people have fought for YOU, regardless of your naivete you showed at the ballot box, hello !!

Ann Coulter and ALL the rest of Soetoro slaves would NOT have a gig if they as much as mentioned the NBC issue - NOT the B.C. - including Rush who sold out his integrity and soul for a half of billion+ dollar$!!!

76Share By Dr. James David Manning

On 6 July 2010, two days after the celebration of the nation’s birthday America witnessed potentially the most powerful political move in the history of this nation. Mr. Obama has set many records in his brief time in politics, but nothing compares to the lawsuit filed by Attorney General Eric Holder on the above mentioned date.

The Obama regime filed a lawsuit in Federal Court yesterday against the citizens of Arizona’s right to question illegal immigrants in particular; and the rights of citizens of America in general. The lawsuit alleges that the Constitution gives unprecedented supremacy to the Federal Government and prevents the states from acting without Federal approval. Essentially, the regime of Obama is trying to rewrite the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. However, there is a far greater fear to be interpreted from this satanic act by Obama. I will cover that fear in detail later.

First, the very act of filing is a Win-Win for Obama. While many pundits including the likes of Charles Krauthammer of Fox News and Jay A. Sekulow of Talkshow with Spike Feresten, a late night talk show on Fox believes Obama will lose in court, but a court ruling from the Supreme Court is not what he needs. He has, with the filing, just demonstrated the ability to annex Mexico to America and has gone to court to have the annexing made official. If the courts rule against him, it will be moot inasmuch as the lawsuit expresses the will of Mr. Obama, 37% of all legal Americans and 100% of all illegal immigrants, including Muslims, and sleeper cells.

This pivot is equal to Magic Johnson, of the LA Lakers famous play of looking one way, while passing the ball the opposite way for victory.

Mexico has been annexed and the state of Arizona has become the new Ellis Island.

When you combine the loyal blind Black vote with the just purchased Latino vote, buttressed by the liberal White racist vote, Obama will score a 54 to 57% victory in all future elections. The faithful minions will only grow in strength in the years to come. All Senators and Congress persons will realize that America’s political power lies within this trifecta and will hold their noses and begin to court the Black and Latino vote like Romeo did Juliet, essentially leaving middle America powerless to overcome and muted by the threat of racism if they speak out.

I have reversed my June update assessments of Mr. Obama’s political fortunes after careful observance of the weakness found in the leadership of America. In the words of the brilliant business man, Lee Iacocca, “Am I the only guy in this country who’s fed up with what’s happening? Where the hell is our outrage with this so called president? We should be screaming bloody murder! We’ve got a gang of tax cheating clueless leftists trying to steer our ship of state right over a cliff, we’ve got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can’t even run a ridiculous cash-for-clunkers program without losing $26 billion of the taxpayers’ money, much less build a hybrid car. But instead of getting mad, everyone sits around and nods their heads when the politicians say, trust me the economy is getting better.”

It is as if we have entered into a bad dream wide awake where even without a court victory the majority of Americans will be ruled by an illegal minority of immigrants.

For more than two years now I have been warning America that Obama is not like any politician in political or Machiavellian history. He derives his power from an ancient father of pre-Creation existence. The elite all laughed and scoffed, when I appeared on many television news shows talking about his character. The Tea Party groupies are silly enough to think that they can overthrow him by voting for new Congress persons. Obama laughs at their efforts and prays that they never wake up and realize that only a Revolution will move him out of office on Constitutional grounds.

Jeremiah Wright, who said, “G.D. America,” launched Obama out of the Trinity of Hell Church to deliver the anathema.

Many are even naive enough to think there is some hope in Sarah Palin. When all truth is known it is as if Sarah Palin is Obama’s wicked sister, seducing the men while he robs the barns. What a major distraction, from the only weapon that will stop Obama; The CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial verdict of guilty on seventeen counts of sedition and fraud is the only silver bullet or ballot.

But here is yet another fear; Elena Kagan, an Obama Sister-Clone will be confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. After her confirmation or within nine months of it he will effectively coerce or force Ruth Ginsburg to step down, and his third appointment could be Eric Holder or worst. But no matter who is nominated the Senate will not be able to stop the confirmation. He would have effectively appointed three justices within three years, and a fourth before the 2012 election.

At this point the U.S. Supreme Court will be Barack Hussein Obama’s International Court, and the Constitution will be phased into a collage of international and Sharia law. Now I am not the only one watching this extreme political position with this lawsuit for an immovable Presidency. Others are aware, but are powerless to act. They have been stripped of power because they were complicit in validating his illegal Presidency. They surrendered and looked the other way at his ineligible status as he is not “Natural Born.” Maybe it was racism on the part of people like Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rupert Murdoch and others who thought that, “well he is just another Black man and how dangerous can he be? To convict him of fraud and remove him from the presidency will cost more than it is worth; just wait and send him quietly into the night in 2012.” They were wrong, dead wrong, and their racism and elitism gave Obama just enough room to steal this great nation and destroy all of its heritage and future.

You are foolish if you think there is life after Obama. Already members of the Department of Justice are being told not to prosecute Blacks for civil rights violations as did the case of the Black Panther obstructing the polling place during the November presidential vote in Philadelphia 2008. The head of NASA, Michael Bolden has been instructed by Mr. Obama to use NASA, the space program to evangelize Muslims; “make them feel better about themselves.”

Oh, and by the way, it is plain enough for Ray Charles to see that Obama is a Muslim. If you don’t believe he is, ask Benjamin Netanyahu, who was shining Obama’s shoes yesterday in the White House press conference meeting. Netanyahu, like dumb Americans, somehow believe that they can tame Obama and out-last him and his policies. Yesterday, Obama looked like the son of Yasser Arafat as he looked down his snide at Netanyahu. If Israel would stand up they could do what America has lost the chance and the will to do. And, you think that Black Christians, who will also realize that Obama is a Muslim, will turn on him? You got another disappointment coming! Black people don’t give a damn about Obama being Muslim, they are just thankful to God that he ain’t White. Hell, Muslims are all right in the Black Christian’s book. I mean just look at Louis Farrakhan’s “Million Christian Men March.”

There are two hopes left in the “Hope for Change Basket.” Obama is incorrigible, unrepentant and a disciple of pre-Creation evil. Thusly, justice and truth will dog him from a pre-Creation source. His adversaries are not carnal, but spiritual, and mighty for the pulling down of strongholds and bringing light to darkness. If you can believe this spiritual adversary, then there is peace in that truth. However, can we wait and should we wait for 2012 as the moment of truth? What kind of a world will Obama create if we wait? The American Revolution and the Constitution created the greatest nation in the history of the world.

To answer the question about a full bloom Obama world; one might ask what kind of world would have emerged if Hitler had gotten as far as Obama has already traveled? Hitler surely had plans, but can any artist draw a picture of the world today with Hitler having succeeded and defeated the allied forces. If that thought is horrible, think of Obama’s world as airborne poison to Christianity, Judaism, and all freedoms and liberty.

Once, and now that Obama has annexed the Mexican and Latino vote, there will be only one political party in America, called Siesta! This lawsuit filed against Arizona by Obama and Eric Holder is tantamount to an emancipation proclamation for the Mexican and Muslim illegal immigrant.

The sacred blood of our nation and the blood of all the founding fathers are on the hands of the likes of The Tea Party members, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. Now obviously they are but just one group and two people, but they have more than anyone else robbed the American people of the spirit to rise up and demand Obama be adjudged ineligible, for he is not natural born, nor constitutionally eligible to serve.

Again, in the words of Lee Iacocca, “Where the hell is our outrage with this so called president?” It certainly is not found in the Tea Party, Glenn Beck, or Sarah Palin.

The founding fathers, John Jay, first Supreme Court Justice, and George Washington, first US President framed the “Natural Born Citizen” clause, for they knew that anyone who was not, “Natural Born” would not love this nation and promptly destroy it. How accurate was their wisdom! Many Americans sit around and say, it is not a big deal, or that it is not worth demanding one adhere to it. What traitors and enablers of destruction they have become!

The lawsuit to protect illegal immigrants, constrain law enforcement, and prevent states from the free expression of the tenth Amendment to the Constitution, is a Win-Win unprecedented victory for this young politician from Hell. Mexico City, the second largest city on the planet with more than 25 million people can now be the deciding vote in any local or national election in America.

But, no matter how brilliant Obama’s court move to annex Mexico is; he is still an illegal alien, not constitutional eligible to serve, and has been convicted of the same. Either we demand Congress uphold the verdict or open an investigation of their own in respect of the verdict handed down on the 18th of May 2010 at the We The People’s Court held at The ATLAH World Missionary Church in ATLAH New York; you choose.

Mr. Obama will be the first to benefit from his lawsuit constraining Arizona’s authorities from asking questions of suspected illegal immigrants as he, Mr. Obama, is illegal and will be the first partaker of the fruit.

He who hesitates is lost; while you wait for November 2010 Obama is concurrently annexing the Muslims and introducing to the courts and schools of our nation, Sharia law.

How did the American people become such slaves to the memory of slavery, or is this pay back for 200 years of slavery? After all it was White racism, trying to cure slavery in America, coupled with African American racist seeking revenge for enslavement who elected him.

71 posted on 07/12/2010 2:45:37 PM PDT by danamco (")
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To: jamese777
Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself why nobody has bothered to simply seek a subpoena for Obama’s birth records when they can be subpoenaed under Hawaii law without Obama’s permission? Has that thought ever crossed what laughingly passes for your “mind”?

You seem to be so well versed on the issue and soooooo eager to defend the removal of your dear leader, the illegal alien and usurper in the W.H.!

You may have missed that Andy Martin from Illinois was the first to go to Hawaii in 2008!!

I think he returned in April, so if you missed that too, see here:!!!

Obama “Birther Brigade” bulks up in Honolulu

April 30, 2010

Andy Martin leads an expanding team in Honolulu as investigators fan out across Honolulu seeking leads to President Barack Obama’s real “roots” in Honolulu

Internet powerhouse and “truth warrior” Andy Martin heads a growing investigative presence in Hawai’i “The Internet Powerhouse” Andy Martin Executive Editor

“Factually Correct, Not Politically Correct”





(HONOLULU)(April 30, 2010) Andy Martin’s investigative team set up shop in Honolulu earlier this week and continues to grow as new volunteers arrive from the mainland to aid in investigating Barack Obama’s roots in the Aloha State. Martin says the mainstream media have failed to ask probing questions about Obama’s personal and family history in Hawai’i.

“We are still welcoming new arrivals to aid in our investigation. Very candidly, it’s exciting to have this growing public interest in our work. New volunteers are coming in today from the mainland. It’s not too late for more arrivals from the west coast.” Martin says. “Ironically, recent independent polls orchestrated by mainstream media confirm that public interest remains very high, and growing, concerning our investigative activity on the circumstances of Obama’s birth. The veil of secrecy imposed by Hawai’i officials only whets Americans’ appetites to know what Governor Linda Lingle, Attorney General Mark Bennett and other Democrats are hiding.

“The mainstream media call people who question Obama’s birth ‘birthers,’ and we will be presenting some commentary on that term in an extended series of columns over the weekend. The definition of ‘birther’ is itself in dispute. I have been called the ‘King of the Birthers’ even though I have consistently stated I believe Obama was born somewhere in Hawai’i. What is Linda Lingle hiding? And why? To claim that the original ‘ribbon copy’ birth certificate of an American president is a secret document is, with all due respect an absurd position and an insult to the intelligence of the American people. Mark Bennett is just an Obama stooge doing Obama’s bidding in hiding the truth about Obama’s opaque origins in Hawai’i.

“Hawai’i is a virtual ‘Mafia State’ in which vital archives of American history have been concealed from the American people. Punahou School should also make its own Obama archive available to scholars and writers.

“The fact that real Americans are willing to fly to Hawai’i and put themselves up at their own expense to volunteer in our field investigations tells you something about enduring interest in the secret cache of documents Hawaii leaders and educators are concealing from the American people,” Martin says.

Martin will hold a Honolulu news conference later today to announce the filing of a new lawsuit against Hawai’i officials, seeking to expose the “cover-up of the cover-up” concerning Barack Obama’s original, typewritten 1961 birth certificate.

72 posted on 07/12/2010 3:14:17 PM PDT by danamco (")
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