Interesting that they focus on family law which is one of the areas that the feminists have totally distorted so that it is the most anti-father institution in western society. Also this is one of the reasons that a lot of white Brits are converting to Islam, so that when the wife decide to divorce he doesn’t get totally screwed in family court but actually comes out ahead in the Muslim court. Provides an interesting counter balance to the out of control family court behavior in my opinion. So not really a bad thing from my perspective and if I was a Brit and not a Christian I’d probably convert just for this benefit a lone.
Ding, ding, ding, ding. Stop FR. - We have the FR Post of the Day.
Once again, this goes to prove the ages old maxim that is always forgotten by every generation:
You can't beat something with nothing
And you cannot defeat people who believe in something with people who believe in nothing.