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The List: Obama's Seventy Fifth Week in Office ^ | 7/2/10 | Nachum

Posted on 07/02/2010 8:00:17 AM PDT by Nachum

 Obama's Seventy Fifth Week in Office

The List" for 7/1/2010

Obama will host a town hall meeting next month with African youth leaders as part of a U.S. celebration of 50 years of independence being marked this year by 17 African countries.

Obama's Supreme Court Nominee, Elena Kagan's Socialist Associations (the Middle Years)

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said that the Senate could pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation if Republicans would cooperate.

Obama by way of the EPA has shut down 33% of the country’s refining capacity.

Obama's Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism speaks out against "Islamophobia"

A former Justice Department attorney who resigned last month in protest of the Obama administration's handling of a voter intimidation case involving the New Black Panther Party accused a top Justice official of lying under oath about the circumstances surrounding the decision to drop the case.

Obama: U.S. Borders Cannot Be Secured With Fences and Border Patrols

VIDEO: Obama: Arizona Law “Divisive” and “Unenforceable”

Issa’s report on the Gulf cleanup: "How the White House Public Relations Campaign on the Oil Spill is Harming the Actual Clean-up"

The Obama administration and Congressional Democrats abruptly proposed phasing out TARP

On Monday good-government group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) asked a House committee to look into whether the Obama White House violated federal laws regarding electronic records by using private email accounts to communicate with lobbyists and meeting with lobbyists outside the White House.

The EPA rejects Texas program that reduced emissions, increased productivity-  A Texas air quality program that slashed emissions in the Lone Star state while encouraging increased workplace productivity is turned down by the Obama EPA

Kagan's partial-birth extremism

The top Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee plans to release a report Thursday that he alleged would blow holes in White House claims about its command of the oil spill response and the amount of assets deployed. Rep. Darrell Issa’s (R-Calif.) report on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is titled “How the White House Public Relations Campaign on the Oil Spill is Harming the Actual Clean-up.

VIDEO: Obama: Being An American Not A Matter Of "Blood Or Birth"

VIDEO: Hatch to Kagan- Did you write the memo To Modify Its Abortion Statement, Kagan evades and doublespeaks

VIDEO: Obama Gives John Boehner the Middle Finger Salute in Racine, Wisconsin

Obama says U.S. troops are carrying too much of the burden in Iraq and Afghanistan and doing too many things that are more appropriate for civilians

AUDIO: Lousiana Governor Jindal rails against Obama's failures in Gulf oil disaster

Obama health site promotes vodka, P. Diddy

Obamacare faces first constitutional battle in Virginia courtroom

Elena Kagan: Well, That Looks Like My Handwriting On That Memo, But Gee I Don't Know What You're Talking About

The List" for 6/30/2010

Gunfire hitting City Hall prompts the Texas Attorney General to ask Obama for more troops on border

Obama's overhaul of the health-care system has done little to improve the nation's fiscal outlook, and his pledge to extend an array of tax cuts for the middle class would only make things worse, congressional budget analysts said Wednesday. In its latest long-term forecast, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted that the national debt, which has surged to nearly 60 percent of annual economic output in the wake of the recession, would continue rising in the coming decades despite cost-containment measures in the health overhaul Obama signed

Time Mag: Faced With The Blagojevich Scandal, Did Barack Obama Tell The Whole Truth?  

Nazi references: Vice President Biden is out with an alarmed e-mail cash appeal warning that the GOP will mount a “blitzkrieg” against Democrats in the fall. Refers to the Democrats as "allies".

Kagan Defends Revising Medical Group's Statement on Partial-Birth Abortion

The administration is ready to sign a treaty stripping us of our ability to defend ourselves against enemy nuclear missiles, including Iran's and North Korea's.

Obama administration helps to create the most federal debt since WWII

Obama said Wednesday that the rising national debt is a "real and legitimate concern" and that the U.S.n must reorder its priorities to gain control over federal spending. But the president offered no specific ideas for how to tackle the budget problem.

The Civilian Expeditionary Force: Obama Says 'Burden' Can’t be All on the Military

VIDEO: Obama On Unemployment At 9.6%: At Least It's Not "12 or 13 or 15" Percent

VIDEO: White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs saying that Obama will use a speech on Thursday to push for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Gibbs said Obama will “reiterate” that we “cannot have immigration reform passed individually by each state through a patchwork of laws.”

Kagan Refuses to Answer Whether Marriage is a State Issue

Besides ACOG Kagan tried to influence AMA's position on partial birth abortion ban

Former DOJ Attorney Discusses New Black Panther Party Voter Intimidation Case

VIDEO: Robert Gibbs Dodges Question on Obama Lobbying for Jarrett to Get Senate Seat

VIDEO: At Tuesday’s confirmation hearing of David Petraeus to head ground efforts in Afghanistan, the four-star general stated that no one in the military had ever recommended President Obama’s mandatory Afghanistan withdrawal date of July 2011

Kenneth Feinberg, who is administering the new claims process for victims of the Gulf oil disaster, made crystal clear today that individuals and businesses hurt by the drilling moratorium are not eligible for a piece of the $20 billion escrow fund BP set aside to pay all eligible claims

Would Kagan allow books to be banned?  As solicitor general of the United States, Elena Kagan argued in front of the Supreme Court that the federal government had the constitutional authority to ban certain political pamphlets. She also strongly implied that some political books, if they were partisan enough, could also be censored. Kagan’s extraordinary claims emerged during the second oral argument of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the campaign finance case made famous by President Barack Obama when he publicly excoriated the justices for their ruling during his State of the Union address.

Slick Elena? Kagan evades questions on abortion memo

The press covers up Kagan's liberalism

Obama Mocked Commissions, Then Established Four

 K Street influence peddlers told The New York Times last week that they've met routinely with Team Obama officials over the past 18 months to discuss policy matters -- at Starbucks, Caribou Coffee, even on a side lawn -- with the express purpose of circumventing the public's right to know.

The largest skimming ship in the world — known as an “A Whale” — is expected to arrive in the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday, but will be prevented from contracting with BP to help clean up the oil spill until the federal government decides that the vessel is “effective.”

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission Shuts Down the Obama Administration’s Attempt to Close Yucca Mountain

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Statement on Partial-Birth Abortion Included 'Suggested' Text Found in Kagan's White House Files- On Dec. 5, 1996, the government relations office of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) privately provided the Clinton White House with the unreleased draft of a policy statement ACOG was preparing to put out on intact dilatation and extraction (D&X) abortion -- the procedure used in a partial-birth abortion. Having reviewed the draft of the ACOG statement, then-Associate White House Counsel Elena Kagan wrote an internal White House memo declaring that the statement would be a “disaster” for the Clinton administration if it were publicly released.

VIDEO: Robert Gibbs mocks GOP Sen. Jon Kyl in answer about border conversation with Obama

Judge halts questioning on Obama

 Tom Balanoff: Obama called the day before election about Jarrett appointment

Obama summoned a group of over 20 senators to the White House to push for energy and climate change legislation. But did not want to talk about at the BP disaster

The List" for 6/29/2010

The Obama administration is launching a special coverage program for uninsured Americans with medical problems this week, the most ambitious early investment of Obama's health care overhaul. But premiums will be a stretch for many, even after government subsidies to bring rates close to what healthier groups of people are charged. -And $5 billion that  Congress allocated to the program through 2013 could run out well before that.

Union leader Tom Balanoff just testified that right after the Presidential election, he met with both Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett and Alexi Giannoulias about Jarrett's possible appointment to the Senate by Rod Blagojevich.

Appeals panel considers whether Obama is even American

Obama  played host to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at the White House on Tuesday but avoided the diplomatic trapdoor he fell through a year ago by greeting the monarch without cameras around to record whether he bowed first.

Shannen Coffin, a deputy attorney general during the Bush administration, was charged with defending the federal partial-birth abortion act in court. At National Review, she writes that documents released by the Clinton White House show Elena Kagan's "willingness to manipulate medical science to fit the Democratic party's political agenda on the hot-button issue of abortion."

71 days into the Oil Spill, the Obama administration says will take foreign help

Obama Supreme Court Justice pick Sotomayor targets guns now- Justice's dissent contradicts confirmation testimony

Elena Kagan's Pattern of Socialist associations

Picture of Obama and Blago from 2008

VIDEO: Kagan Declines To Say Gov't Has No Power to Tell Americans What To Eat

Obama administration officials say the arrest of 11 people accused of being part of a Russian spy ring is a mere bump in the road to better relations with America's former Cold War foe. The White House and the State Department both downplayed the implications of the blockbuster investigation, which revealed an elaborate Russian intelligence plot to infiltrate the U.S. government.

The White House was mum Tuesday after a union leader testified that Barack Obama personally asked him to approach then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich about appointing confidant Valerie Jarrett to his Illinois Senate seat.

Top Union leader Tom Balanoff: Obama called day before election about Jarrett appointment

Obama, with Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke at his side, insisted the US economy was "strengthening" Tuesday despite foreboding data and a fresh stock market slump.

Kagan manipulated report to protect partial-birth abortion

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is calling the Constitution a living document, saying its framers wrote it to last through ever-changing circumstances.

‘Tectonic rift’ in Jewish Americans’ opinion of Obama, only 42 % would vote for him again

Reaction to Obama Oil Drilling moratorium: Oil companies move jobs overseas

The office of Solicitor General Elena Kagan has delayed responding to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted by that seeks records that might shed light on whether Kagan would need to recuse herself from certain cases if she is confirmed as a Supreme Court justice.

Elena Kagan Demanded Sex-Change Operations and Bathroom Access as ‘Equal Rights’; While serving as Dean of Harvard Law School, Kagan’s administration demanded and forced Blue-Cross, Blue-Shield to cover sex-change operations as an “equal right” paid benefit, harming gender-confused students, as confirmed in 2006 and 2008 by Harvard Crimson newspaper articles.

Obama’s political director, Patrick Gaspard, failed to disclose that he was slated to receive a nearly $40,000 payout from a large labor union while he was working in the White House. Gaspard, who served as the political director for the Service Employees International Union local 1199, received $37,071.46 in “carried over leave and vacation” from the union in 2009, but did not disclose the agreement to receive the payment on his financial disclosure forms filed with the White House. In a section on his financial disclosure where agreements or arrangements for payment by a former employer

Elena Kagan defended expansive life and health exceptions on abortion during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings today on her nomination to the Supreme Court

More inside information on how Obama bungled the Oil Spill: Alabama

Axelrod: We proved we were competent by stopping the Swine Flu

Michelle Obama to wield influence over America’s diet, won't say what she eats

The List" for 6/28/2010

Obama connected to a cover up of Shore Bank?  Late last week, at the 11th hour, the Senate removed an amendment that would have required the inspector general of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to investigate the corrupt ShoreBank bailout

Federal officials told Arizona's attorney general and a congresswoman on Monday that 524 of the 1,200 National Guard troops headed to the U.S.-Mexico border will be deployed in the state by August or September.

AUDIO: Kagan argues in front of the Supreme Court:: its Fine if The Law Bans Books Because Government Won't Really Enforce It

Obama today revised the national security-oriented policy for space adopted by President George W. Bush in 2006 to open the door to unprecedented long-term U.S. cooperation in space with international partners, potentially including nations such as China, India and Brazil.

Obama is calling for greater international cooperation in exploring space. Obama said in a statement Monday that the United States is no longer "racing against an adversary" in space.

Judge to Blagojevich lawyers: You can't see President Obama's interview with FBI

Biden defends stimulus at GE production plant; $24.8 million in tax credits help to create 830 jobs

The Obama administration said Monday that the sinking of a South Korean warship blamed on North Korea was not terrorism, and not enough by itself to put Pyongyang back on a U.S. terror blacklist

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, whose agency is charged with securing America’s borders, told an audience in Washington, D.C., in reference to the U.S.-Mexico border, “You’re never going to totally seal that border.”

According to the FCC’s log, there have been thirty meetings  held this year attended by myriad Media Marxist organizations – Public Knowledge, Media Access Project, New America Foundation, Consumers Union, Consumer Federation of America and others.

Beginning Thursday, residents in most states will be able to apply for new federal health coverage for people denied insurance because of medical problems, but some of the nation's largest states will miss the deadline, according to state insurance departments.

T A scholar and charity head appointed to Obama's White House Fellowships Commission served as a point man in granting $49.2 million in startup capital to an education-reform project founded by Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers and chaired by Obama.- Documentation shows the White House fellow, Vartan Gregorian, was central in Ayers' recruitment of Obama to serve as the first chairman of the project, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge – a job in which Obama worked closely on a regular basis with Ayers.

The List" for 6/27/2010

VIDEO: Obama Cryptically Warns He’ll Present “Very Difficult Choices to the Country” Next Year

A scholar and charity head appointed to President Obama's White House Fellowships Commission served as a point man in granting $49.2 million in startup capital to an education reform project founded by Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers and chaired by Obama.

Obama says that attacks on his Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, have been "pretty thin gruel."

Obama - there's "a lot of obsession" about the withdrawal date for U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

VIDEO: Obama: Countries Must Not Have "Undue Advantage" If World Is To Recover

 VIDEO: Obama on controlling the debt: "Somehow people say, why are you doing that, I'm not sure that's good politics. I'm doing it because I said I was going to do it and I think it's the right thing to do. People should learn that lesson about me because next year when I start presenting some very difficult choices to the country, I hope some of these folks who are hollering about deficits and debt step-up because I'm calling their bluff. We'll see how much of that, how much of the political arguments that they're making right now are real and how much of it was just politics."

Obama: I Promise To Cut The Deficit In Half By 2013

Obama energy policy costs more American jobs: US agency's action may kill Bucyrus deal, cost 1,000 jobs

A senior Hamas figure said Friday that official and unofficial US sources have asked the Islamist group to refrain from making any statements regarding contacts with Washington, this following reports that a senior American official is due to arrive in an Arab country in the coming days to relay a telegram from the Obama Administration.

White House Preparing National Online ID Plan

Obama’s promise to bankrupt coal industry to cost 1,000 jobs in upper Midwest

Obama picks sanctuary cities advocate for ICE role- The Obama administration has tapped an outspoken critic of immigration enforcement on the local level to oversee and promote partnerships between federal and local officials. Harold Hurtt, a former police chief in Houston and Phoenix, has been hired as the director for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Office of State and Local Coordination. Starting July 6, Hurtt will supervise outreach and communication between ICE, local law enforcement agencies, tribal leaders and representatives from non-governmental organizations.

No skimmers in sight as oil floods into Mississippi waters

The two final US space shuttle missions before the shuttle program is phased out will likely be postponed, a NASA spokesperson told AFP on Friday. "It's not official yet but it's very likely," said Allard Beutel, media services chief at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The Obama administration is still not saying what it will do if and when the U.N. calls for another international investigation into the Gaza flotilla incident.

Obama sought $15 million to run his oil spill commission and a panel on the Wall Street meltdown got $8 million. The budget for his commission on reducing the federal deficit: $500,000.

The List" for 6/26/2010

VIDEO: Brewer to Obama: Warning Signs Are Not Enough

 U.S. Treasury chief Geithner urges G-20 leaders to continue government spending

Obama calls for bank tax as next step in reform

Obama at the G8 meeting: "You have lots of golf courses here?"

Israel's ambassador to Washington, Michael Oren, painted a dark picture of U.S.-Israeli relations during a briefing at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem last week. Israeli diplomats say Oren described the current situation as a "tectonic rift" in which Israel and the United States are like continents drifting apart.

Department of Justice attorney J. Christian Adams has now officially resigned over Obama's racist refusal to allow the prosecution of armed Black Panthers who openly intimidated voters during Election 2008

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel's new financial disclosure report shows investments worth a minimum of $6.7 million, plus what many would consider priceless: 25 seats to Bruce Springsteen concerts directly from "The Boss."At $95 a seat, the gift totaled $2,375.

VIDEO: Biden Calls Manager Who Told Him To Lower Taxes A "Smartass"

Vice President Joe Biden gave a stark assessment of the economy today, telling an audience of supporters, "there's no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession."

NYT: Obama won’t close Gitmo in first term

Obama’s Drilling Moratorium Affecting More Than 33 Wells

Obama Internet kill switch plan approved by US Senate (Committee)

The Obama administration is set to propose a new system for authenticating people, organizations and infrastructure on the Web

Judiciary Republicans have disinvited a controversial military officer from testifying at the confirmation hearing of Elena Kagan. The minoity staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee had announced earlier Friday that retired Lt. Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin would appear before the panel next week, likely to discuss Kagan's efforts to restrict military recruiting while dean of Harvard Law School. The announcement that Boykin would no longer testify was made after The Hill and other media outlets reported his testimony.

As concerns mount about the presence of Asian carp near Lake Michigan, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin today urged President Obama to appoint a carp czar to oversee efforts to keep the invasive species out of the Great Lakes

The List" for 6/25/2010

The Department of Homeland Security on Friday denied any plans to grant blanket amnesty to the "entire illegal immigrant population,"

The Justice Department on Friday urged a federal appeals court to delay a judge's ruling overturning a drilling moratorium in the Gulf. In court papers, the Obama administration said the suspensions in deepwater drilling are crucially important to protect human health and the environment from another disaster.

The parents of Army soldier Benjamin Osborn said Thursday that U.S. Bill and Beverly Osborn say that new military rules of engagement are making soldiers on the ground more vulnerable to attack, including they say, in the final battle that took their son's life.

White House Fetes Lesbian Banned from Cross-Dressing at Prom; Earlier this year Constance McMillen was refused permission to attend her high-school prom with a female date while wearing a tuxedo.  Both President Obama and Vice-President Biden were expected to attend the reception.  Openly gay Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh also planned to attend.

The White House said Friday that Elena Kagan would be an impartial justice on the Supreme Court, as Republicans and conservative groups heaped criticism on  her for her stance on legal issues and position on military recruitment at Harvard Law School.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel rejected Barack Obama’s request today after arriving in Toronto for the G20 meetings. Merkel told reporters that, “We need growth that doesn’t rely on debt.” This was in response to Barack Obama who sent a letter to G20 leaders last week urging them to continue to run massive budget deficits in order to “keep economic growth strong.”

Federal agencies now boycotting Arizona over immigration law

“News” Media who Hated Petraeus under Bush Think His Choice “Brilliant” Under Obama

Gen. David Petraeus says one of the first things the general will do when he takes over in Afghanistan is to modify the controversial rules of engagement to make it easier for U.S. troops to engage in combat with the enemy.

Rashad Hussain, Obama’s special envoy to the Organization for the Islamic Conference (OIC), the Saudi-based body formed in 1969 to “protect” Jerusalem from the Israelis, announced a new title this week for Obama. According to Hussain, Obama is America’s “Educator-in-Chief on Islam.”

Witness: Blago given list of Obama favorites: After Barack Obama friend Valerie Jarrett publicly pulled out of contention for the U.S. Senate seat appointment, Rahm Emanuel called Rod Blagojevich's top aide. Emanuel, now Obama's chief of staff, wanted Blagojevich to know the list of Senate candidates "acceptable" to Obama, according to testimony Thursday in Blagojevich's corruption trial.

The former chief of staff to Rod Blagojevich says he believes that Barack Obama knew of the then-Illinois governor's attempt to get a job in exchange for appointing a White House preferred person to Obama’s old senate seat. John Harris

The United States ambassador to Turkey, meanwhile, released a statement earlier this week that America supports Turkey's efforts to clamp down on Kurdish resistance fighters and is ready to "urgently" consider any new request for help from Ankara.

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has told the BBC that the world "cannot depend as much on the US as it did in the past"

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: fifth; list; seventy; week
It is so hard to be the President. Golfing, speeches, ..bowing in private to the Saudi Royals.

Let me know if you would like to be on or off the ping list.

The complete list is at the website:

1 posted on 07/02/2010 8:00:19 AM PDT by Nachum
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To: Nachum

You know.......when you see travesty after travesty in such a list’s positively bone-chilling.

2 posted on 07/02/2010 8:01:56 AM PDT by RightOnline
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To: Nachum

Make it STOP!!!!

(thanks Nachum - dirty work - but somebody has to do it; while the media sleepwalks;)

3 posted on 07/02/2010 8:04:41 AM PDT by sodpoodle (Despair - Man's surrender. Laughter - God's redemption)
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To: Nachum


4 posted on 07/02/2010 8:35:15 AM PDT by Kozak (USA 7/4/1776 to 1/20/2009 Reqiescat in Pace)
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To: RightOnline

The hits just keep a comin...

5 posted on 07/02/2010 8:46:05 AM PDT by RU88
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To: Nachum

75 down,,, 133 to go! Not so bad when you think about it. Subtract out the last 60 weeks as essentially useless and that takes us down to 71!

6 posted on 07/02/2010 8:52:18 AM PDT by DesertRhino (I was standing with a rifle, waiting for soviet paratroopers, but communists just ran for office)
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