>>>yes..but why not bust them first<<<
Fair point, but I see no problem with every area of government doing what it can to deal with the problem.
This might be more effective than arresting them, as it is iffy as to whether the Federal government will actually deport them. If local authorities can make it difficult to impossible to obtain their needs, they will tend to self deport by returning home or going to a sanctuary city.
Also, those who have their power shut off, because they cannot prove their immigration status, could be referred to the proper authorities for arrest and (hopefully)deportation.
It gets to the point of unreasonable search, to which all of us would be subjected.
They have no right to demand your papers.
If they are busted and found to be hear illegally fine, deport them but demanding citizenship status, over an elelctric bill is over the top.
Good idea though.
Still, if he wanted to impress me, he would Demand Barry’s proof of citizenship status and define what that proof would be.