She might be able to convince a man he’s not getting enough gun in his diet.
Eat your argula or go to your room.
It wasn’t nice for FR to place this post about Michelle directly under the picture of the Russky lady spy.
Kobe beef, lobster, pate, cavier and champain!
Ok, flame suit on.....
Although Walmart is a good habitat for viewing Americans, I found one that might be better, the Mall in Washington DC.
I made an effort to be observant and to determine
what I was looking at.
There were lots of obese people, more specifically, obese women. They were young. Often the man of the couple was also obese but many times he was not, being merely big. There were no obese men with skinny women.
There were numerous very heavy women, not old women, walking with canes. They had difficulty getting up the various Smithsonian stairs. There were quite a few such women in battery powered chairs, not old, just very large.
There will be lots of obese female deaths at a relatively early age. Diabetes, perhaps, Heart failure more likely. One Friday they will have trouble catching their breath. By Monday, they will be dead. There will be an epidemic of deaths of such women who if they make it past 45, will never see 50.
A few black women wear Wookie belts.
Most folks dressed in casual slacks, or shorts with a T shirt or golf shirt or knot top and sports shoes.
Surprising to me were the young women. Many, a surprising fraction, were wearing dresses. Not the feminist cliche costumes, but pretty, often revealing, dresses. The skirts were above the knee to short. The colorful dresses were to me a repudiation of the bra burners.
By the way, short skirts are a precursor to war.
1. Nancy Reagan....WODs....flop
2. Hillary Clinton ...universal health care...flop
3. Laura Bush....war on illiteracy....turns out she's a Lib.
4. Michelle Obama....war on fat......well everything else they've tried has flopped.
May I have a glass of soy milk with that Madam (or Madame) President?
But she won’t tell us what she eats...
I don’t think I want to know what Madame Meatbutt eats.
She best stay out of my fridge.
WAKE UP AMERICA! Quit taking the sound bites at face value and really look at what Obamna meant when he said he wanted to "fundamentally remake" America. Notice, he doesn't want to fix what is wrong, no!no! He wants to make us something we have never been--Socialist/communist/Fascist.
If you are one of the ones who think these three are different--just know they are ALL three big/total govt control over every facet of your lives.
Every thing this bunch of Harvard pseudo intellectuals are doing is to that end--so we end up like Cuba. The state will assign us places to live, stores with coupons to go get our food, transportation, medical care (3d world, not first class) and dictate what we make. I have talked to someone who lived in the USSR, and it ain't pretty. I have friends who lived under Mussolini and Hitler and it was ugly and dangerous, and they were hungry and scared.
I am SOOOOO frustrated over the stupidity in this country. Even our poor have it good conpared to most of the countries in the world.
Big fat a$$ b*tch has nothing else to do....Why dosen’t she monitor her ahole husband’s diet and shut the f*ck up already.....
Leave Me Alone
I don't want to look like Michelle.
that bitch has nothing to say aboout what I eat!
She WON’T tell me what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She better go back to the zoo.