Human resource professionals are those who are trained to ensure that all hiring is done with an eye to “diversity” meaning that intense effort must be devoted to making sure that actual competence and reliability are never factors in selecting employees. Discrimination based on race, sex and ethnicity MUST occur, in fact they must overwhelmingly override any consideration of actual qualifications to do the work in question. White male applicants are to be considered for employment only if they are openly gay, transgendered etc. Under no circumstances must a white male protestant descendant of civil war veterans be considered for any position above the level of toilet scrubber.
Sounds like a really tough job, huh?
What ever happen to “Personnel”, those office workers that processed the paperwork submitted by the managers who did the hiring and firing. Where did this strange “Human Resources” stuff come from. Why not just call it all “Natural Resources”? I’m lost in this brave new world.
See my #23.