they reduced the age when mammograms and cervical exams should be given... in order to reduce costs the government would have to pay.
death panels have already been formed...
It also helps with the social security situation. If you kill them off earlier, you don’t have to pay out SS.
Last article like this I read said the men were getting to MANY PSA test.
I had a very close friend that had to have a breast removed, it wasn't found with a mammogram, but she found it herself in self examination....
Sometimes too much relying on a test is not the best way to go...like seat belts, good as they are, they also give you a false sense of security when driving and for some makes their driving a little less safe. imho
The proper name for my problem was benign cystic breast disorder. After menopause, they all disappeared...
Sorry to you guys that are not involved in this problem, but for women it may be of interest....