That may be the case that McCrystal developed these however, Obama is the commander in chief and he supported this fully. I didn't like McCrystal from the get go...wasn't good for our troops IMO. and am very glad he is gone. Now if the same would occur with Bo we might just have a chance to survive all this ridiculous "Hope and Change" nobody in their right mind wants!
It seems that McChrystal and Obama are two peas from the same pod. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is much we can do about the Obamasiah until Nov 2012.
Please let us all be on the same page. ROE are developed from the top down, not by a USA General. It was clear in media that Karzai was demanding to try our troops and pilots in civilian courts for murdering civilians (collateral damage). He was threatening to kick USA out of the country. He was going to join the Taliban. To simmer him down, our government (not military) set up these hands off ROEs where our troops’ hands are tied.