“were actually devised by McChrystal from what I have read.”
See this comment re;ROE: “The mistaken notion pushed by the media is that the General is the one who is behind this reduction of air and arty and restricted ROE. Not exactly true. the rules of engagement that everyone is so upset about,and rightly so aim was to reduce civilian deaths but NOT by reducing the protection and support of our troops to the reduction of the use of air and arty to the level it has been. That has been pushed by the Afgan Government and our State Dept. as well as NATO brass. http://tinyurl.com/25atz84
The ISAF ROEs current directives (tho we dont know the absolute specifics out of necessity) are are consistent with NATO publication MC 362/1 NATO Rules of Engagement. McCs predecessor, McKiernan, tightened up on the ROEs via NATO orders back in Dec 2009. (Nato tightens rules of engagement) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/sep/09/nato.afghanistanMcC tightened them further in July 2009 because of criticism of collateral damage.
Per a Congressional Research Service Dec 2009 release about NATO in Afghanistan, the UN Security Council governs NATOs responsibilities in Afghanistan, and the ISAF is a NATO led force. NATO generally operates strategy by committee, and no single commander calls the shots. Therefore I have to assume that any ISAF ROEs are a product of NATO rules, tempered perhaps by any additional agreement with the Karzai government. http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL33627.pdf However to lay them solely at the feet of McChystal is not entirely accurate.
In two places in the CRS document, they cite that the ROEs are written by NATO, and that many member forces have been putting pressure on the higher ups for more flexibility.
I read last week somewhere, I think it was here, that on a night time mission our guys were being fired upon by terror types.
They requested a night time lighting bomb or whatever it is, I am not sure, to light up the area so they could see where the bad guys were. Their request was refused.
Stuff like this is a nightmare for a warrior. Who is responsible for this tightening of ROE's?