Can you imagine being her poor husband this morning, waking up to her finding out she is the laughing stock of the entire country, even on liberal stations like MSNBC.
laughing stock
Is he upset because;
1. People call her fat, ugly and stuuppid,
2. She is fat, ugly and stuuppid
3. Or he has to face the fact he is married to fat, ugly and stuuppid.
Welcome to dysfunctional Milwaukee County. Yesterday, a part of a county owned parking structure fell and killed a 15 yr old kid. The CHAIRMAN of the Milwaukee County Board came out within an hour and blamed the Milwaukee County Executive (who is the Republican candidate for Governor)for the death because of not putting enough money in the Parks Dept budget for maintenance of county owned structures.
The CAUSE of the collapse of the facade is not yet known, the county will in 100% certainty be sued, and the Chairman of the County Board comes out less than an hour after the accident and claims the county is to blame for deferred maintenance? The County Board is inhabited by complete idiots, and it is hard to choose who is most stupid, Ms. West for her lack of geography acumen, or the County Board Chairman Lee Holloway, who by trying to score political points, has probably cost the county a fortune by claiming the parking lot facade collapse was the county’s fault 100%, rather than the architect who designed it, the contractor who built it, the company that supplied the materials, etc.
As of now the lot is still closed, and no cause has yet to be determined.
I would have asked her which states bordered Arizona to the south if she was sure it wasn’t Mexico.