“The founding fathers knew full well that citizenship is through inheritance, not the soil.”
In any event, the 14th Amendment changed the United States from a Jus Sanguinis nation to a Jus Soli nation AND a Jus Sanguinis nation. Nothing can be more clear and precise than “all persons born...”
What you leave out is that part of the discussion that pertained to citizen, not NBC & Madison also further went on to say that
Mr. Smith founds his claims upon his birthright; his ancestors were among the first settlers of that colony...if he were not a minor, he became bound, by his own act, ... if he was a minor, his consent was involved in the decision of that society to which he belonged by the ties of nature.
Smith was making his claim that he was a citizen by mere fact of jus soli birthright, however Madison goes on to dispel that claim. Madison further explains farther into his speech on the floor that Smith being a minor at the time of the Declaration of Independence; Smith's citizenship came through his father(ties of nature). The act of Smith's father taking an oath to become a citizen of the new society automatically gave consent for his children by becoming himself a member of the new society.
IOW, according to Madison, birth on soil did NOT automatically make one a citizen, the parents must have been citizens for the child to become one. BWHAHAHAHA....