Any English speakers out there? What does “stitched up” mean?
a. to incriminate (someone) on a false charge by manufacturing evidence
b. to betray, cheat, or defraud
As 2nd generation American from UK - it means he was betrayed with false evidence. We say “framed.”
‘Stitched up’ defined, from Treebeard’s Concise Dictionary of British Slang
Stitched up = falsely accused, or framed
‘”I can’t help feeling that I have been stitched up.”’
Hmm. Where'd it go? Why? I thought journalists were all into speaking truth to power.
I’m more confused by this comment: “it would hardly be the first time that a general and a president have not got on like a house on fire.” I don’t know if that’s a British saying or the invention of this particular writer, but it sounds weird.