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Why Newspapers Are Dying: The Ann Coulter Edition
Right Wing News ^
| June 21, 2010
| John Hawkins
Posted on 06/21/2010 9:58:17 AM PDT by Syncro
Townhall is the big league of conservative punditry. All of the A-List conservative columnists, with the exception of perhaps Mark Steyn, Karl Rove, & Peggy Noonan write for them. Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Michelle Malkin, Charles Krauthammer, Mike Adams, George Will, Jonah Goldberg, Victor Davis Hanson, -- they're all at Townhall, along with a lot of other top notch pundits.
So last night, I took a look at the 5 most popular columns for the last 30 days on Townhall. So, which of those incredibly talented columnists made the list? Actually, as of last night, none of them:
Now, it's no secret that
Ann Coulter is an extremely popular columnist, but that's a level of domination you seldom see from anyone not named Michael Jordan, Greg LeMond, or George S. Patton.
But, it also reminded me of something Ann Coulter said in my
5th interview with her.
There are newspapers all over the country going out of business today and that brings up a question. From what I have seen, no insult meant to Mark Steyn, Charles Krauthammer, Thomas Sowell, etc., but you seem to be the single most popular columnist in America with conservatives. So, how many papers run your column?
Thank you for noticing! And thank you for reminding me of the devastating collapse of the newspaper industry. I love a happy ending!
The only newspaper big enough to be on Nexis to carry my column is my home newspaper, Human Events, which was also Ronald Reagan's favorite newspaper. If that's how the newspaper industry treats the author of seven massive New York Times bestsellers - including one that was a collection of the columns most newspapers were refusing to publish -- how can any bright young conservative writer expect to be published?...
So, there you go. A woman whose last 5 columns were the 5 most popular columns at Townhall for an entire month can't get mainstream media outlets to carry her column. Yet, you have journalists all across the country griping that no one wants to read newspapers anymore. Well, when you're completely indifferent to what your customers want, it's no shock that they're not interested in your product.
TOPICS: Editorial; Front Page News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: anncoulter; coulter; johnhawkins; journalists; msmdying; newspapers; townhall
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Love the last paragraph!
So, there you go. A woman whose last 5 columns were the 5 most popular columns at Townhall for an entire month can't get mainstream media outlets to carry her column. Yet, you have journalists all across the country griping that no one wants to read newspapers anymore. Well, when you're completely indifferent to what your customers want, it's no shock that they're not interested in your product.
posted on
06/21/2010 9:58:18 AM PDT
To: Syncro
To: Syncro
posted on
06/21/2010 10:05:36 AM PDT
(VOTE! and
To: Syncro
Ann Coulter is a great columnist, but I'd rate Mark Steyn and Dr. Thomas Sowell better. Part of the reason is that Ann has to resort to shock statements to get the most attention whereas Steyn uses humorous satire and Sowell uses pure intellect to accomplish the same think.
posted on
06/21/2010 10:09:21 AM PDT
(Obama: Fake black man. Fake Messiah. Fake American. How many fakes can you fit in one Zer0?)
To: Syncro
Well, when you're completely indifferent to what your customers want, it's no shock that they're not interested in your product. While this is obvious to most people, the Liberal Mind is convinced that conservatives don't (and in many cases don't know how to) read. Consequently, they draw the (perfectly logical) conclusion that there is no such thing as a popular conservative columnist from their (flawed) premise.
To: Syncro
"you have journalists all across the country griping that no one wants to read newspapers anymore....."
Which would be another reason why the statists want a kill switch for the internet, and FCC regulation. They want to be able to manipulate the 21st century communications medium in the same way they have manipulated television broadcasts in the 20th century. Reminds me of the "Government-Media Complex" M. Savage speaks of. Saw a post earlier today on FR mentioning how Mika B. from MSLSD (thanks Mark Levin) admitted to working with the White House on talking points for the BP spill disaster. Spin baby spin. The relationship between television networks and the government is absolutely horrifying.
posted on
06/21/2010 10:11:56 AM PDT
("When brute force is on the march, compromise is the red carpet." Ayn Rand)
To: Vigilanteman
Thanks goodness they don't all punditify in a cookie cutter manner.
I respect your preferences.
I like Coulter because not only does she use “shock statements" but also a generous portion of humorous satire and pure intellect.
No one can call her a one trick pony. Three out of three rocks.
: > )
PS: I like those other two also.
I don't see any competition there.
posted on
06/21/2010 10:15:57 AM PDT
(November is hunting season. No bag limit-Ted Nugent)
To: trad_anglican
posted on
06/21/2010 10:16:27 AM PDT
(November is hunting season. No bag limit-Ted Nugent)
To: mrmeyer
Mika’s her daddy in a dress
posted on
06/21/2010 10:17:25 AM PDT
(November is hunting season. No bag limit-Ted Nugent)
To: RonDog; jellybean; knews_hound; Ann Coulter
posted on
06/21/2010 10:20:28 AM PDT
(November is hunting season. No bag limit-Ted Nugent)
To: Syncro
The MSM think that not only the customer is always wrong but also stupid.....and they wonder why they are dying.
posted on
06/21/2010 10:21:50 AM PDT
To: Syncro
posted on
06/21/2010 10:25:08 AM PDT
(Give me back my conservative vote; then find me a real conservative to vote for)
To: Syncro; abb
posted on
06/21/2010 10:28:05 AM PDT
(Political Correctness Kills)
To: Syncro
I laughed yesterday because I complained to my wife about the newspaper . . . I dig it out of the recycling bin in our condos to use to pick up my dog crap. I complained because they recently made the paper smaller in size (no longer doing their own printing). I complained because I was worried I would get dog crap on my hands. I am the son of a newspaper editor and I don’t think I’ve read a paper in 3 years, maybe more.
posted on
06/21/2010 10:32:39 AM PDT
Mere Survival
(Mere Survival: The new American Dream)
To: GeronL
posted on
06/21/2010 10:34:09 AM PDT
("What ISN'T in the news is often more important than what IS." Ed Biersmith, 1942 -)
To: Mere Survival
How funny!
The SF chronicle has shrunk also
I'm always getting calls to subscribe to newspapers, I just tell them my bird died
posted on
06/21/2010 10:38:33 AM PDT
(November is hunting season. No bag limit-Ted Nugent)
To: Syncro; carlo3b; stanz; gakrak; massfreeper; hosepipe; Donald Rumsfeld Fan; MadLibDisease; fffff; ..
Here's the Ann ping!
Let me know if you'd like to be added to the Ann Coulter ping list.
posted on
06/21/2010 10:39:37 AM PDT
(Bookmark for when FR is down)
To: Syncro
not to nitpick, but someone needs to enlighten John Hawkins that ‘sister peggy’ went wobbly long ago. She is neither “A-list” or “conservative”.
To: Syncro
Newspapers play the role of liberal "scold" - print what the "great unwashed - the little people"
need to hear (by their holy standards) - not what they want to read.
Liberals want us to eat seaweed and tofu rather than what we want to eat - and the cutting edge newspaper food reflects their bias.
Watch movies that put us and our beliefs down - and lecture us about the superiority of their beliefs - read the reviews....
Then we're fed only the liberal side of an issue - and asked to vote accordingly. And yet they wonder why their numbers continually go down...
posted on
06/21/2010 11:37:30 AM PDT
To: Servant of the Cross
Yeah, I saw that also, and was about to post to that when I read your comment.
Noonan as a conservative? Laughable.
posted on
06/21/2010 11:40:30 AM PDT
alarm rider
(The left will always tell you who they fear the most. What are they telling you now?)
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