Not this MD. Sure, there are those who did, but don't extrapolate from what you heard from the AMA and some academic docs etc. They do not represent most physicians.
Not likely. The majority of doctors are relatively conservative.
Actually, most doctors are fairly conservative. The AMA, however, has not represented doctors for years. 30 years ago when I was in Med School only about 40% or so were members and it has gone downhill since. I believe right now only about 17% are members. Some years ago the AMA realized they were going the way of the dinosaur so they cooked up a scheme to copyright the CPT codes doctors have to use to get paid. They shouldn’t be allowed to do this, but our congresscriters made it possible for them and the m geta a “piece of the action” everytime a doctor submits a bill for a procedure. In return, they support every libtard scheme the congresscritters dream up. It is really pretty disgusting.
If true, the irony wouldn’t be sweeter
“Those MDs were likely Zero voters.”
Not at all. Most doctors strongly opposed Obamacare and were NOT Obama voters.
A small fraction of them were, but most doctors knew the dangers and it’s becoming reality. MANY doctors will retire and go out of business.
Then Obama will use that as an excuse to not only take over health insurance, but all medical care, by nationalizing hostpitals and all doctors will work for wages for the government.
That’s how it was (and is) in communist countries.