Thank fully I am in the south bay.
I missed the L.A. riots by 10 hours, I had decided to go home early.
I missed SFO my 10 minutes. I had just finished dinner at Scoma’s and the valet warned us that Union Square had just been mobbed and they were head toward the Piers.
Hightailed it out of town. Listening to KGO and was stunned.
We were going to Union Square after dinner to pick up some clothes that had come in but the area was being described as a disaster zone.
No sooner had I hit the 101, KGO described the mob descending upon Pier 39.
Whew, missed that one.
Came back two days later to pick up the clothes and couldn’t believe the damage done.
And knowing the types of folks they interact with, I am not surprised. A lot of scumbags around there use BART as way to get to their victims in nicer neighborhoods, or use the BART station as their campsite, or use the BART parking lots as a conveninet wealth redistribution zone (Car burglaries and carjacking).
Simply put, there's a lot of people who need killing there. I am glad I did not get hired.