Obama and Biden are recovering with a long summer of golf, parties, etc.
Apparently, they can’t find time to outline a coherent transportation policy and get the six-year highway/transit bill through Congress, despite the fact it has expired already.
There is a major infrastructure proposal for true high speed rail in critical corridors emerging from the engineering and transportation communities, but all this administration can talk about is windmills and solar panels, stuff that will never address our energy independence. Meanwhile, we have a hole in the Gulf of Mexico due to 30 years of liberals killing any nuclear power plants.
ROTFLOL! Are these guys kidding? We can officially certify Obama as a loon now.
Our side still won’t call it like it is. A conspiracy.
* 5 red states have the oil slick, purposely being affected with a slow clean up to punish them
* Tennessee floods, another red state not helped
* Soros’ Petrobas still drills off our coast as does China
* Alaska red state so no drilling
* stuff still dies and decays, so oil is renewable as is natural gas
* job loss rising purposely
* BP’s pension being destroyed to teach the white English a lesson for Kenya colonialism
* Soros and CCX: Hayward is invested, as is Obama, as is Gorelick, who are all on the INDEPENDENT oversight of the $20B BP fund
It’s the reparations presidency...call it like it is!!!!!!
I guess it can now be said that this administration purposely kept its boot on the neck of the U.S. economy for over a year prior to Obama’s version of “the surge” (in stimulus-funded projects).
And as we all know, there were never any highly-visible road, bridge, water and other infrastructure projects in America before Barack Obama came on the scene...
Socialism generally fails.
These people are sick: David Axelrod, a senior adviser to the president, said: This summer will be the most active Recovery Act season yet, with thousands of highly-visible projects breaking ground across the country, giving the American people a first-hand look at the Recovery Act”
Notice that “highly-visible” is the central adjective in this quote. Not “vital to our nation”, “vital to our well-being”, or “vital to our ecomony”, but “visible”.
Yes, my friends, the most important attribute of the jobs being “created” by spending almost a trillion dollars of non-existent money is that they give visibility to the Recovery Act. Inadvertently, Axelrod reveals what’s most important to the Obamunist Administration, namely themselves.
Yeah? Well, I'm not getting my hopes up this time.
I still remember when The Beach Boys promised an "Endless Summer" and THAT didn't come true.
(Pulling hair out with both hands) WHAT RECOVERY!!!!
Maybe he should just declare this a “Unicorns, Rainbows, and Gumdrop Forests Summer” and then maybe it will happen.
We saw it coming. A bald-faced ploy by boy zer0's regime to strategically dump the rest of the TARP/Porkulus dollars into make-work projects to fool the sheeple into thinking an actual economic recovery is underway. Using OUR tax dollars to manipulate the coming election.
These people are morons.
bwaaa haaa haaaa......
Is that like “The Summer of George!”
They do this in a lot of third world countries. Right before an election a bunch of big projects start. After the election they stop.
These guys are onto something. They saw how the Dems. voted in the S. Carolina Senate Primary and figure that the public is so stupid they can sell anything to them.