Until the markets have digested the indigestible lump that is Obama, I have decided to sit on the sidelines.
I am only one voice amongst an entire family of savvy investors...my family decided unanimously to follow my advice.
Many years on Wall St is insufficient preparation for investing in the Obama Markets!
In May of 2009 I got rid of my dog stocks and bought into gold and silver. My remaining stocks are paying dividends or holding their own.
It amazes when I hear the financial ANALysts prattle on as though nothing has changed in the stock market since Onada usurped the WH. It amazes me even more when otherwise intelligent people I know pretend the same thing. I guess they’re in denial.
The stock market is a financial mechanism that is not likely to go away—ever. It’s been around at least since the British East India Co. Even China has a stock market.
But, as you say, Onada and his gang of angry commies must go before Wall Street heals itself. I include in this group the left coopted financial leadership.