It would be more useful if Texas would separate into the 5 states it was authorized to split into upon its entry into the county. Just think, 8 more conservative senators in one fell swoop.
New England is one state and needs to stop dictating the course of this nation. I mean Deleware, really?!!!
I don't think this would happen. Most of us would rather leave as one state to become our own nation.
I wouldn’t be so sure about that...
There are forces at work here...;-)
Na, no thanks. HOWEVER, Most of us would not mind linking up with Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia.
Eventually New Mexico and Colorado would apply to come into the Constitutional united States of America as well. But first they need to run off the over-population of libs. That would not take long as they would be cut off from the east and west coast, but still have a border with mexico. The local conservative population would do the job on running off the "liberals" in short order.
Alaska? I am surprised they are still here...