How dare her!
You think that’s funny? You deride selfless acts?
Now that you bring up the point, how many missionary parents have taken their children off to literally God-forsaken parts of the planet, where their children have been put at risk for, and in many cases died from, cannibals, heathens who resented busy-body missionaries, yellow fever, typhoid, malaria, diseases no one ever heard of before, snake bites, attacks from tigers and lions and rampaging elephants, storms in the open ocean getting to their missions in the first place, or knife fights arising from the misunderstandings arising from no common language.
A large fraction of the famous explorers of the past were rich brats with nothing better to do with their lives than haunt London clubs wasting their time on cards, booze and showgirls. Some others were too poor even to afford being explorers but managed it nonetheless.
No society survives when everyone does insane things. But no society survives when no one takes risks either. Folks need to keep perspective.