That custody is one thing . . .
serious overwhelmingly sufficient positive attachment to prevent REACTIVE ATTACHMENT DISORDER is quite another.
Any Dad getting custody MUST rise to the occasion regarding the above.
Otherwise, the kids might well be better off adopted by a couple with a dad who would.
If they put as much money into Child VISITATION Enforcement as they do Child SUPPORT Collection, there would be overwhelming amounts of programs for “re-programming” PASed children. However, I do think that the government has a big part in all of this and if they would get out of the divorce business, you’d see these cases drop significantly.
50/50 Custody with no “golden cash prizes” i.e. Child Support changing hands. I also think divorce is a terrible thing and should be avoided at all costs but that is not a reality in today’s world with selfish people far and wide.
The NOW organization actively fights considering Parental Alienation as abuse because it might shift custody to 50/50 and thusly big Child Support and Spousal Maintenance money out of the hands of women. So much for the “best interests of the child.”