You should change your screen name to Rip Van Winkle...apparently, you've been asleep while the chavezistas have been nationalizing oilfields owned by American companies.
You sure the 10Ring Circus Family isnt still a bit disappointed because it didnt get its Royal Lordship and land-holdings after being on the loosing side back circa 1776?
LOL, settle down Rip, it was only a dream...coming from the guy who wants to nationalize private companies he doesn't like. I guess you'll be cheering when Correa sticks it to Chevron for $30 billion. Because Ecuadoran resources should only be developed for Ecudorans, right Rip?
>>nationalize private companies
Wrong. I believe in supporting American Companies with American values, engaging in free and honest commerce for the primary benefit of Americans.
If Socialist British pensioners want charity, let them form a queue at the “church” of England’s door.