“if martial law is ever introduced you will see the true patriots enmass and it wont be pretty....”
Under Martial Law there would not be an opportunity to gather “enmass”. All travel and communications (internet) will be shut down immediately. You are where you are and you better hope you have enough food/medicine etc. to sustain you and your family for an extended period of time.
If you post on Conservative websites, attended a TEA Party or have a DTOM flag in your front yard they know who you are and where you live. We all have liberal Socialist neighbors that would rat us out in a heartbeat to further their goals of tyrannical rule over all Americans. Yes, they fail to realize that they, too, would be included.
It would be impossible to organize and muster “enmass” after ML is declared. Come up with a plan starting today. Idle chit-chat amongst like-minded friends may make us ‘feel’ better, but if and when TSHTF it ain’t worth sh!t.
where there is a will there is a way....and remember that the u.s. citizens are the largest armed civilain army in the world....