Well as I see it you have a center right candidate vs Ms. Liberalism herself Boxer. to tear down Carly is to rise up Boxer at this stage.Now that was good, the best on this thread so far, and won't be topped I'm sure.Is Carly the most conservative pick we had? no However she was the most conservative that could win and like Brown in Ma who I do not agree with 100% but closer to 80% of time Carly is what we have to work with. Now conservatives like myself have a choice to make. Do they rally around Carly to defeat Ms. Liberalism herself Boxer and thereby swing the state of Ca more towards the right or do they continue to suck sour grapes and hand the victory to the left wing nut job Boxer.
I could sit here and nitpick Carly to death on things I do not agree with her on. From your post of that speech I agree the gov should upgrade their IT but I do not agree with the open-border talk. Boxer there is nothing I agree with. Carly I can find common cause with on many issues pro-life, pro-gun, smaller smarter government, limited spending among them.
yes the lesser of two evils suck but that is sometimes the hand life gives you. I would have loved to see Devore take off in the polls but he didn't. He should have been smart and withdrawn when the handwriting was on the wall so to conserve his political strength instead of losing in such a public fashion. Just his inability to do that simple politics 101 showed he was not ready for the job.
I strongly endorse what you wrote here, unseen1.
You might be unseen, but you should definitely be read.