Bob J is not on our side. That is for sure.
Its not a matter of being on a side or not, its a matter of dealing with reality.
They bash Sarah, and thats fine, but never present an alternative with a realstic chance of winning.
Some of these clowns name Duncan Hunter, Tancredo, or other people who at best would get 25% of the vote on a great day.
Until I see someone viable, its Sarah for me. I also like Thune and Petraues though and would easily support those two for President.
But spare the Mitt, Huck, Newt, Rudy, Pawlenty, nonsense. Thats just not going to happen.
If you mean I am not one of the evangelical, end times, armegeddon wishing, who is going to protect Israel (at the security expense of the US) to insure the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, you would be correct.
One Scoobey bisquit to you.