America is the worlds super power at a time of crisis.
Sarah Palin would become leader of the free world at a time of crisis.
and if she does well..
She will get credit for being a great leader of the free world at a time of crisis.
And if she doesn't?
It’s possible that Sarah Palin will be our next president, but her supporters need to walk the line between “supporting” and being a “fan”.
“Fans” elected Obama. They rooted for him like they root for their football team. Treated him like he’s an A-list celebrity, instead of a President.
I will vote for Sarah if she runs, depending on the other hats in the ring. But not looking at her objectively and responsibly will do her and our country no favors. At the end of the day, she is a politician.
We don’t need to gather around her or protect her. We need to support her, if that support is warranted.