I'm not so sure the line can be so easily drawn. At some point, the damage done to the fabric of society needs to be taken into account.
What about the families of those on drugs? Do we just let the kids go hungry because dad is a druggie? After all, it isn't OUR fault he takes drugs. If he wants the liberty to get high, then we let his family suffer as "punishment" for his addiction?
I am just not convinced that legalization of drugs is the way to go. And yes, I'm aware the same issues can be made with alcohol, which is currently legal. I'm one who was a hungry, sometimes homeless kid because of dad's drinking. Thank God mom finally gave up on him and left. At any rate, the whole "but alcohol is legal" argument doesn't get anywhere with me.
The “but alcohol is legal” argument gets nowhere with me, either.
Families of addicts are not “society’s” problem. Teenage pregnancy wasn’t society’s problem either until the shame of being pregnant w/o being married became passe’ in our culture.
I don’t mean to sound heartless, but I don’t think there will be more addicts if drugs are legalized, nor do I believe that less families suffer because they are currently illegal.
My objection to the WoD is based on the corruption and police-state tactics that have emerged as a result, as well as the patriot notion that my personal business has no place within goobermint oversight UNLESS it causes immediate harm to another.
Try it this way: It is legal for me to get drunk as a skunk, but driving that way is (rightfully) forbidden.
Child neglect is already a crime.
Define "we".