One more good reason to dump any any all relationships with the old guard GOP.
They don’t care about Jews.
Malek is not in Palin’s camp...he advises her at various times and likes her, and for the media to try to cover for Helen Thomas with an attempt to link Sarah with Malek’s Nixon days is ridiculous
A Helen Thomas counteroffensive and swipe at Palin at the same time. Classic Drive-by story.
But did he cook up a plans to rob an armored car, blow up a police station, and the Pentagon?
Don’t look now, but there’s a former Klansman in the Senate!
What ties Malek to Sarah Palin is that Palin’s right hand aide Meg Stapleton worked for Malek when she was in Washington before returning to Alaska.
I knew Malek was an old timer but RIchard NixOn is a man whose policies we should never want to emulate.
I thought it was cool to hate the Jews now.
I’m so confused.
Palin drives them crazy....and we know that because they didn’t want anyone to know about Rev. Wright’s anti-semetic rants.
LOL, it just never stops the MSM is so predictable.
But it’s not newsworthy when Helen Thomas says that jews should all “go home”.
No bias here...............
Sarah Palin’s aid’s grocery clerk's brother-in-law's drug dealer's dog groomer's pedicurist's paper-boy puts burning dog poop bag on neighbor's porch!
“My feet stink and burn!” says innocent victim of heartless Palin prank.
The DEA is investigating.
This just in...Sarah Palin’s beautician knew somebody who’s dad was a member of the Hitler Youth. Obviously poor judgment on Palin’s part and we have to investigate this.
Palin, Palin, Ja what next, will she now be taged by the MSM as the Amerikan Reich candidate? MY TAG LINE STICKS. Who cares what Malek did during Nixon’s tenure, he isn’t doing it for Palin, nor do I suspect he will. Then again, its the NYC Daily News, it’s reports will be slanted towards the liberals as it needs their subscriptions to stay alive. Its no longer the NY Daily News of the 50’s. This is pure BS and I expect it to get even worse for Palin before 2012.
Well, the care about their votes anyway.
Well, heck. Sounds like he could get a job with the Obama administration. Or Reuters even.
then they elected Jimmah Carter to finish the job.
"Too many Jews" - Jimmy Carter
Wait a minute...the same Richard Nixon, who during the six day war called Golda Meir and told her to use up her expendables that he’d replace them? The same Richard Nixon who ordered virtually every heavy transport in the Army, Navy and Air Force to move ammo, gas and medical supplies to Israel that it took us over three years to replace? Is this the Richard Nixon that Golda referred to until her death as “My President?”
Gosh, he hid his anti-Semitism really well. Really well.
This is bad but Helen Thomas’s comments aren’t? I don’t get it.