I have mixed emotions on this.
As a conservative libertarian Tea Party member and Ron Paul supporter I’m all for putting USA priorities first and foremost. I see our cities closing fire departments and eliminating police while our shills in Congress are giving Israel and Egypt billions in aid money. We need to take another look at giving away our country to other nations.
If Israel, etc wants to tag along on their own and in total support of USA policy that’s fine, but the USA should not be tagging along with Israel where the tail is wagging the dog. I support them but they should buy from us instead of us borrowing to give to them. They are in better financial shape than we are.
Why is Israel at the head of your list??? Where's the condemnation of Hizbollah, Hamas, Sudan, the IMF, Russia, N. Korea, and the rest of our hundreds of enemies who would love to see us all dead who receive hundreds of billions of our tax dollars on a yearly basis???
Shouldn't Israel be at the bottom of your list???