I found the questionable policy of the military particularly interesting in light of the fact that Senator John McCain (Arizona)is the (R) ranking member of United States Senate Armed Services Committee. Being a bonifide 'war hero', you'd think he'd find the time to know about such policies being approved of by his committee.
But then John, the 'maverick', can't be bothered with such mundane tripe about our soldiers because he spends more time campaigning than he does attending to the business of his country and state. It wasn't for nothing that he earned the most votes missed of ANY senator, yes, including Barak Obama. That sad record is here: http://towncriernews.blogspot.com/search?q=Given+that+McCain+has+spent+the+last+ten
But, it's an election year for McCain, and miracles, ABSOLUTE miracles can happen when he's pushed to the conservative edge. Perhaps he will have a campaign trail conversion and start actually caring about those who serve. He's busy bragging these days about getting an amendment passed through his committee to put 6,000 troops on the border.
Now this is particularly curious since the Obama administration is putting the guard on the border to HELP Mexico keep our guns out and NOT to enforce ANY immigration law. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2524000/posts?page=139#139
Flashback: Bill Oreilly has given us the proof that MCCain did NOT want the guard on the border.
SEN. JOHN MCCAIN, R-ARIZ.: I do not favor using troops because they are not trained for it. They dont have the kind of qualifications necessary. I have strongly favored us using all the technical equipment that our military has including satellites, including aircraft and other technical means.
GOD HAVE MERCY . . . what a travesty of what our country was founded to be.
For the moment, I think our concern needs to be on the shafting of this soldier who obviously served honorably. His treatment by the Army is reprehensible and needs to be publicized but those responsible need to be publicly called out and shamed. As a vet, I find this kind of thinking to be reprehensible and gutless.
Hopefully Juan will get on with his life’s work in Nov. and Sen. Hayworth will get to work.
Thanks to all those who serve and have served, so we may speak freely.
It never ceases to amaze me how poorly the Army can treat its troops.
What a load of crap to expect a man wounded in combat that had to be flown out of a warzone to account for his gear. He’s only had nine operations.
Like I said yesterday in another post about repealing the “don’t ask don’t tell policy”, soldiers have been getting bent over and screwed forever. Uncle Sam is gay that way I guess.
It is his Commands fault that this happened.
Gimme a break you bleeding hearts. rules are rules. apply the rules to all or apply them not at all. If ya don’t like the rule, then change the rule...IN THE PROPER WAY. till then, STUFF IT!
I'll send this article to some news stations and see if there's possibly a patriot among them who will air this story.
Somebody should be horsewhipped over this unspeakable insult to a man who served his Country with honor. :(
B*st*rd coated B*st*rds, with B*st*rd filling!
*= the letter “a” ;)
I believe the soldiers had a two word phrase that best described this kind of mess in the past. They would usually just laugh and say, “Charlie-Foxtrot.”
Good lord! They truly are cannon fodder...
Has anyone sent this to Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity? Ill bet they can get these charges taken off this mans account.
What on earth does John McCain have to do with a soldier’s worthless commanders?
What probably happened:
1. His platoon Sgt did not turn in his equipment; dividing it among the platoon.
2. His platoon Sgt actually DID turn in the equipment, but;
a. the paperwork got lost, or screwed up.
b. a corrupt supply sergeant “lost” the paperwork to forward some larcenous plan of his own.
My guess is 2b. I had a similar scam worked on me, involving being charged for a month’s leave I hadn’t taken.
He’s got to get a 15-6 investigation started. When a Soldier is shot, his equipment is dumped at the unit or at the hospital due to the blood making it a potential biohazard. That’s just SOP. Obviously someone (cough S4 cough) didn’t do the proper paperwork on the loss and this guy is paying the price. An investigation will get his sworn statement, his commander’s sworn statment, the SIGACT of his being shot, his record of his hospital stay, and the theater SOP that I mentioned above. Any reasonable investigator will see it and a field grade should sign off on it. Done and done.
This guy’s CO or First Sergeant can’t take care of this? Man, how things have changed. Wasn’t like this when I was in with Reagan as C-in-C. I hope everyone else in his unit is aware of how their chain-of-command is treating them.
I wonder how long this has been policy - or is it just the policy of one National Guard. When I was medivaced 42 years ago (ancient history) all field gear was taken from us at the hospital and piled in a room.