Dave Ramsey told a caller once that he’d be better off with a can of soup and a gun, if it hit the fan.
“Dave Ramsey told a caller once that hed be better off with a can of soup and a gun, if it hit the fan.”
I love how gold is always held up to this ridiculous, pointless standard: the “what if civilization ends” standard. If the economy suddenly collapses, and only the most urgent needs are important, then gold will be nothing like food, water, and shelter. But how come we never compare the things people usually invest in (not that gold is for investment, persay, rather than ) to the chaos standard? How come calls for investing in stocks, bonds, commodities, art, baseball cards, etc. are never met with, “Yeah, well, you’ll be sorry when wild gangs of violent punk nomads rape women and children willy-nilly and everyone’s house sponteously combusts on a regular basis.”
I know why. It’s because gold is commonly advocated in times of danger. Except when most people talk about hedging against inflation, they’re not necessarily imagining Weimar inflation. There’s a lot of space between cash losing value and blood running in the streets.