“People who want to be offended by his remarks would never consider voting for him anyway.”
I don’t buy this. Don’t get me wrong, Rand Paul is right in his position regarding the civil rights act, but you’re ignoring political reality if you don’t think that his initial remarks (with an assist from the media) damaged his support with SOME people who probably would consider voting for him.
I still think he’ll win easily, but he screwed up here. NOT because he’s wrong on the issue, but because he allowed it to become an issue in the first place.
SOME is a very indefinite number. You win SOME. You lose SOME.
..............but because he allowed it to become an issue in the first place.
There is no way to avoid these sorts of attacks by the left. If you speak honestly about difficult issues, some people will criticize you. The alternative is to allow them to dictate the boundaries of the discussion.