Many years ago, some environmentalist reporter was interviewing a scientist and asked, “What did people do before artificial pesticides and fertilizers?” His response was, “People died younger.”
Do you know the difference between white eggs and brown eggs? Brown eggs are more likely to come from brown colored chickens and they cost more. That’s the only difference.
Chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
Having raised chickens as a child, I can say you are absolutely correct.
White Rocks and most white feathered chickens lay white eggs.
Rhode Island Reds and Dominickers, among others lay brown eggs.
Well, just buying brown eggs is pointless but I do buy the eggs from free range chickens. It’s my only bow to protesting the treatment of chickens on places like Tyson’s. But I still eat chicken so I guess I am only willing to do what’s convenient (and only costs a dollar more a dozen).
I totally shun organic because it’s kind of a faddy, foody kind of thing and I can’t see the virtue in fertilizing with sheet instead of chemicals. (chemical is not a dirty word but sheet is.